Sunday 28 December 2008

Christmas 2008

Dearest Grandad
It was lovely to see you briefly on Christmas day. Here's a little taster of what we've been up to over the last few days...
Lots of love
Today Danny, Reggie and I went for a walk but had to wrap up as it was very cold indeed.

The Freshwater women in the kitchen cooking up a delicious lunch

Two tired buys after a very busy christmas day

We had Danny's Mum Pam and sister Charlotte over for lunch on Christmas day and it was a huge success.

Reggie's first Christmas dinner

Mmm, i excelled myself...

Father Christmas on his snail delivering presents.
See you soon
Hatty xxx

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Dearest Grandad

We have been busy decorating our Chirstmas tree this weekend (Our first ever tree!).

Reggie has gone to his nursery christmas party today as one of santa's helpers. Doesn't he look adorable! We think so...

Thank you very much for the chirstmas card, we are looking forward to seeing you on Christmas day.
Lots of love
The Freshwater/Mears xxxxxxx

Thursday 11 December 2008


Dear Grandad i thought that you would like to see this one of your son on his 60th brithday suprise which he was fed and spoilt...i am sure he has shown you his present??

Much love Molly xxxxxx

Dear Great the weekend i went swimming and enjoyed it for the first time..i kicked and spalshed my legs and saw a big green frog...