Sunday 29 November 2009

our weekend..

we made some mince pies...from scratch...mabel was delighted with these..
spencer has been busy up a ladder again...putting up a new lamp which i love..
mabel has been busy being a she is in her duck on her bed playing with her doll
and in her shades...perfect for such a rainy weekend indoors!!..

Monday 23 November 2009

a trip to new york city

Dear Grandad
As you know , Hatty and I have just been to New York for a work research trip. It was great, lots of ideas and are a few pictures from our trip. The Guggenheim museum of art...such an amazing building..
A fountain in Central Park
I loved it in the park, hard to believe that you're in the middle of such a busy noisy city
We had a coffee on the 35th floor of the Mandarin Hotel...this is the view
over the park..all of the trees were stunning in the sunshine
A 2cv in New York!!..not a common site

Hatty on the Staten Island ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.
This is the view looking back at Manhattan island from the Staten island ferry...we passed the Statue of Liberty but were moving too fast for photos..
A view of the Empire State Building
Hatty dancing by the Flatiron building

This is Times Square
I hope you are well...look forward to seeing you soon

Sunday 8 November 2009

Josh and Libby in Croatia

Hello Grandad, here is, as promised some photos from our little holiday in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
It was so lovely seeing you the other weekend and hope to see you very soon.
Lots and lots of love
xxxxxxxxJosh and a naughty Breakfast!!

I couldn't resist the cute stray kittens.

I could keep going and going but here are just too many!! i hope you enjoy these ones!?

Tuesday 3 November 2009

a halloween walk on kingly vale

hello grandad...we had a lovely walk on saturday on kingly was all misty when we set off and by the time we were back to the cars it was sunny and bright..there were 500 year old trees!!..mabel loved it in the leaves and looking out for mushrooms and toadstools...lots of love , Molly xxxx

Sunday 25 October 2009

creative miss mabel

dear are some pictures from our weekend..Mabel has a new table and stools to do her sticking, painting , glueing and making...she has been very busy all weekend..she loves being creative like me...99% of her creations are crocodiles!!! mxxxxxx

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Stanley is 3

Hello Grandad, thank you so so much for my birthday present. Me, Arthur and all our cousins went on a birthday trip to Paultons Park. It was great fun. Here are a few pictures!!

Lots of love Stanley Bill


Monday 28 September 2009

a colourful weekend

two very cheeky monkeys

Mia came to play on sunday which was very good fun..

the autumn colours are so beautiful...this is the virginia creeper on our house
Mabel grew a yellow beetroot!

and a pink cake with red beetroots...
we all had a great weekend in the are a few pictures of the lovely colours that we found and made.. xxxx