Sunday 30 May 2010

our garden..

look at mabels vegetable patch!! she loves watering and digging...lots to eat this year...mmm

a weekend at home

Dear Grandad, great to chat to you on skype promised some pictures of our latest project..the front steps of our haouse are falling down!..we have taken away the walls and spencer has started to strip the walls to will look so smart when it is done!!..

Friday 21 May 2010

An impromtu trip to the beach

Hi Grandad

Todays lovely weather bought with it a last minute trip to the beach at the witterings with Mum and Dad, Reggie and I and the Burgesses. We had a wonderful paddle in the sea and hide and seek in the sand dunes...
Lots of love Hatty xx

Tuesday 18 May 2010

emily's party

Dear Great grandad. On saturday i went to Emily's party...i had a wonderful time xxxx

Saturday 15 May 2010

A Saturday in the life of Hatty and Reggie

Hello Grandad.

We have had a busy day today. Reggie and I went up to see Rosie, Birdie and the boys for lunch. They were putting up their huge tent in preparation for a forthcoming camping trip. The boys all enjoyed running around inside. The nice weather meant that we could enjoy Reggie's sandpit when we got back and we also had time to make a Thrasher cake. Now we're pooped!
Lots of love
Hatty and Reggie xx

Monday 10 May 2010

Hi Grandad
I hope you're well. Glad to hear that you have a computer back and are in the world of technology again. We have been all poorly this last week with a tummy bug but are back on track now. Here's a little taster of what we've been up to lately.

Reggie has just discovered his train set he got at Christmas. We put anything we can over the track to make a tunnel.

On Friday we found out that bump is a little girl. We're delighted that we will have one of each and are now thinking about names! All suggestions welcome...

"Look at me Great Grandad on my new loo seat. I'm learning to go on the big loo now"

Reggie helping mummy with the washing, or perhaps trying to be washed.
