Wednesday 30 June 2010

Freshwater Family BBQ

Hi Grandad
I'm sure Dad and Molly told you all about our BBQ at the weekend. We celebrated the scorching weather with a Freshies gathering in our garden. It was lovely... Everyone bought something yummy, Danny and Birdie managed the BBQ (This was an achievement for Danny, i can tell you!). The children had a whale of a time splashing around in Rosie's birthing pool. She got it for when Stan was born but never used it fortunately and it makes for a brilliant paddling pool.
Hope you are well.
lots of love
Hatty & co xxx

Thursday 24 June 2010

Hi Grandad
Our Garden is looking wonderful see the veg beds we built a few weeks ago and the old bath we found in a hedge that we have used to plant courgettes and potatoes in, Theo clad round it to make it look nicer. Also the lovely heath spotted orchids that are all over the garden and the girls new wendy house. Truley beautiful and lots of fun packed days to be spent out here, hope you are well love you x x